१५ ऑगस्ट आणि अधिक मास या दोन्ही निमित्ताने समाजसेवा करण्याची एक संधी आज वन्दे मातरम् संस्थेला कामाठीपुरा वस्तीत मिळाली. जनकल्याण समितीच्या संपर्कातून सत्यभामा पाटील या ताईंची ओळख झाली. वस्तीतील घरांचे सर्वेक्षण करून त्यांनी धान्यवाटपाची गरज कळवली व ५० महिलांची निवड केली.
आज १४ ऑगस्ट रोजी दुपारी आम्ही ४-५ कार्यकर्ते नागपाडा येथे पोहोचलो. एकत्र येण्याचे स्थान नसल्याने सर्व भगिनी रस्त्यावरच उभ्या होत्या. प्रत्येकीला रेशनची एक पिशवी दिली. यामध्ये आटा, तांदुळ, साखर, डाळी, तेल, चहा पावडर, मसाले असे साहित्य होते. सर्वांनी आनंदाने याचा स्वीकार केला. भर रस्त्यातच हे वाटप करावे लागले. या वस्तीत सेवाकार्य करण्याची तळमळ होती, त्याची आज सुरवात झाली. समाधान वाटले.
The Mumbai Municipal Corporation has allotted a premise of nearly 600 sq. ft. in Matunga Labour Camp area as Night Shelter. This facility of night shelter is given to needy students, relatives of cancer patients, young people coming to Mumbai to appear for examination or any other poor and needy person who has no place to rest and stay. Presently 20 people are taking the benefit of the facility
This initiative is to help the Girl Child from age 5 onwards and it’s continued in the slum areas of Mumbai. Presently 23 girls are served under this initiative
In association with RSS Janakalyan Samiti, three steps are taken to give relief to certain villages in Solapur and Latur.
Providing water storage tanks
Contributing for the cost of water tankers
Assisting the grass camps for the cows, buffaloes and other animals
We deputed volunteers to serve in the camps and also to co-ordinate the water distribution.
Ganesh Visarjan
We have been working as Police Mitra to help Mumbai police in managing the crowd and event of Ganesh Visarjan at Aska and Marve Beach. Every year, Vande Mataram Foundation provides more than 200 volunteers to support the police in managing traffic and immersion of Ganesh Idols at the beaches. The volunteers work for entire night of 11th day Ganesh Visarjan. We have received appreciation and award from the Mumbai Police for this activity